The biggest make-up launch of 2023 is taking place this Friday (September 29) - but, thanks to bitching beauty vloggers, it could be a non-event.
Jeffree Star, once one of the top earners on YouTube, is set to unleash the utterly gorgeous Gothic Beach collection. Trust me, it's stunning. Jeffree has already unveiled what's in store for beauty lovers - and it is nothing short of fabulous. The collection officially goes on sale in just a few days' time and delivers a summer-meets-October feast of brilliance.
The trunk palette, with its 'black sand' textured packaging and totally wearable colour story, had me drooling all over the web. Together with Jeffree's 'shake first' liner collection, this week's pay cheque has got Gothic Beach written all over it. In fact, I'm so determined to get my hands on it, I'll buy direct from Los Angeles if I have to.
I'm 'sold' on the collection. I like the colour story, the fact that mattes make up a good part of the palette and I am in pure love with the trunk design.
But my enthusiasm for the collection isn't a universal thing.
I tagged a family member in a share of Jeffree's launch video (above), which is amazing by the way, and got short shrift for my effort. I was told, in no uncertain terms, that the person doesn't think much of Jeffree as an individual and that she has boycotted the Jeffree Star Cosmetics brand. What?
On Reddit, I read comments about the collection 'not offering anything new'. Really? I beg to differ on that.
And then there's the limited number of Jeffree Star stockists...
Beauty vloggers at each others' throats

Reel back a week, and I was glued to a Rich Lux 'exclusive' on YouTube - Jeffree Star 'putting the record straight' following a spat with some 'big in the US-only' influencer who I had never heard of. P-l-e-a-s-e!
Apparently, 'drama' is still a buzzword in beauty vloggers' territory.
Here's the deal - and it's important...
Jeffree Star is a global cosmetics brand. Jeffree, as a person, is an icon. Drama shouldn't factor in business life. Fine behind the scenes, of course, but never in public. Jeffree certainly shouldn't still be getting embroiled in petty, public squabbles. It's unprofessional and, worse than that, it's ugly. With a business head on, I'd say it does more favours for the less-known than the big hitters. I'm screaming: 'Jeffree, you're giving your fame away, baby.'
I'm a middle-aged woman. Think that makes my voice irrelevant? Think again.
On a quest to look as young as possible for as long as possible, I'm a big spender on skincare and make-up. I'm not the only one. There is a global army of 'age-defying' women just like me. We want the latest beauty has to offer. We want the launches, the freshness, the excitement - even the glamour. And, guess what? We've got cash in the bank. What we really don't want is ugliness - not in any of its forms. Because, of course, ugliness is the exact opposite of beauty! Do you hear me?
Some business advice for influencer-led brands
So, when I join the online queue to buy my Gothic Beach goodies this Friday, I will be hoping that Jeffree learns from past mistakes, rises above the drama and embarks on a calmer public-facing journey. Not only will this approach open up lucrative new opportunities (that's money, Jeffree - lots more money) in the future, it will give Jeffree the space to come up with even better, more fabulous collections.
For anyone who likes a bit of beauty vloggers bitching, remember this - money talks. Without customers, brands don't survive. And nor do influencers. Long-term? Beauty sells. Bitching? Well, straight up, it just doesn't.