Belinda Bennett
Feb 224 min read
Rosacea: understanding and managing your skin condition
Rosacea is a chronic inflammatory skin condition that exclusively affects the face. It can be difficult to deal with, especially...
Got a passion for makeup but never sure what products are worth investing in? Want to boost your skincare routine but don’t know where to start? Regime Skin Care is here to help.
Beauty blogger Belinda Bennett busts myths, reveals the products worth buying and walks you through routines in an easy to digest style. No topic is off limits - from brow shaping to anti-ageing serums.
Belinda isn't an influencer. She is the consumer's voice. Want to know if something delivers value for money as well as what it promises? You're in the right place!
Imagine being told you've got a rare type of breast cancer and that the first line of treatment is chemotherapy. Now imagine sitting at home, bald, shielding from Covid-19 for the best part of two years. That was me; scared and isolated. The only consolation (other than surviving, of course) was home delivery! I hauled until the cows came home and, having previously worked as a journalist, it wasn't long before I was jotting down my opinions on products.
Regime Skin Care was oringally launched in 2020 on a WordPress website. It allowed me to express my passion for all things skincare and makeup. Of course, writing also took my mind off the treatments I was receiving as well as the pandemic. I immersed myself in the transformative power of beauty. It literally lifted me up and gave me not just strength but a real zest for life. It made me excited about something and pushed me to explore more. Before I knew it, I'd completed chemo, surgery, radiotherapy and a full year of the targeted cancer drug Herceptin. My hair had even started to grow back!
I relaunched the blog on Wix in 2022, after an unexpected disaster! My original website's hosting provider was a micro business, owned by a sole trader. He died suddenly and, not long after, his servers were switched off without warning. This left my blog lost in cyberspace. I started it all over again - from scratch - in recognition of its contribution to my recovery. Beauty, literally, got me through.
As the new blog took shape, it became home to a free magazine, REGIME. Currently being published as a monthly portfolio of beauty features and reviews, it can be read online or downloaded for offline reading. I pay for a third party app from Simplebooklet to deliver this service.
The blog concentrates on 'how-to' guides and product reviews. I write stories that aim to be informative and inclusive. They embrace people of all ages and with all skin tones. I focus on creating beauty content that readers can relate to and be inspired by.
In the summer of 2024, I was diagnosed with a second primary cancer. It was quickly dealt with by means of another mastectomy and a five-year prescription for Letrozole, a daily tablet. I'm looking good with completely matching (but, obviously, fake) boobs! It could have been so much worse. I'm truly grateful to be in the position I am currently in.
Catch up with the latest new beauty releases, tutorials and more in the blog section.
Thank you for being here!